Wednesday, January 03, 2007

i've been dreaming alot lately, and some of the dreams are actually quite funny.

why on earth i was helping my friend's little daughter to blow her nose? this is too funny, in reality, i do have this friend, but he's absolutely not married of course doesnt have a kid.

is jealousy a bad thing?

and i realised, annoying people pick up vibes really easily, esepcially when you're being annoyed by them, once they pick up the vibe, they'll just keep annoying you to the max and wouldnt leave you alone, so the best way to avoid annoying ppl is to pretend that u're not annoyed by them...
arghhhh why are some people so annoying? tell meeeeeeee


At 4/1/07 13:17 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

who have u been jealous of??? and oh no.... who's been annoying my dear gloria???

At 16/1/07 14:00 , Blogger Jennifah said...

I'll try not to annoy you so much Gloria!

The other night, I had a dream that the producer of our comedy show at uni yelled at me for talking too much. I woke up and felt really horrible that I distracted everyone at the TV meeting...but then I realized it was a dream...but I still felt guilty. Dreams are strangely realistic.

At 10/9/07 15:30 , Blogger Mathieu said...

I was just looking at your blog, trying to find a certain post, and came accross this one. I laughed and laughed and laughed. I'm not sure if it's anywhere near as funny as I'm finding it. It couldn't be, because I'm finding it so funny, I still keep laughing! It's so true! I keep thinking about your poor annoyed face and the whole room keeps shaking. I haven't laughed like this since since... have I?
And a minute before I read this, I was just wondering about why I find it so funny to annoy you when I know full well that I'm the only one... I just saw your face again and I can't stop! But I don't remember this post at all! I must have missed it before. I'd say sorry, but I'm still laughing! Hey! If you're feeling annoyed right now, I know what will cheer you up: try to pretend that that you're not annoyed and go look in the mirror, quick! Go!


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