Friday, October 27, 2006

so what's going on now? it must be 'love is in the air', one of my friends in the states is getting married this saturday! i was really shocked when i was told, in my mind she's still the 16 year old high school sophomore....


At 28/10/06 23:40 , Blogger Redhillducks said...

It's an age thing, Gloria. The older you get, the more weddings you get invited to. Then again, my school friends started early. I've been invited to an average of two weddings a year since I was 18.

Some interesting stats...

In Oz, the average age of marriage for men is 31 years and for women it's 29 years (as at 2001).

In Oz, the median age of divorce for men is 42.6 years and for women it is 39.3 years.

At 31/10/06 19:33 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

when r u getting married????


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