Thursday, August 31, 2006

i'm not going to myer center by myself anymore...nope not anymore, even the foodcourt. it's just too scary to hear that people were stabbed on the neck, randomly! the recent victim was a uni student, just waiting to buy some donuts...

and the suspect is a taxi driver from ashgrove... the last stabbing was in May. And they both happened during the day! the day, the day!!!! oh i just dont wanna think about it anymore.

people who catch the bus in myer center, be really careful!!


At 1/9/06 13:44 , Blogger Noof said...

They arrested someone yesterday, or so I read in the Courier Mail, so that might make u feel safer!

WV: ekopigle

At 1/9/06 18:59 , Blogger Mathieu said...

The day? Oh that's ok then. I usually roam around there around midnight. So that's why there are so many police there all the time now! I thought there were more than usual.

At 3/9/06 07:37 , Blogger Jennifah said...

In May? I don't remember hearing about that...But I'm sure you'll be fine. Maybe they won't hurt you because they'll think you know kung fu or karate :-)

At 4/9/06 19:45 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

scary.... better be careful when you go out........ yeah pretend that you know kung fu!!!!

At 6/9/22 13:37 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh no, what happened? Are they still at large???


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