Friday, January 20, 2006

aftering writing that post about 'i might not be able to go to MMTL camp', i thought, 'hey, as long as i dont have afternoon shift that week, i can still go, it's always a fri-sun camp...' yeah i think i'm right, even i have afternoon shift that week, i can still go, maybe the next day or if someone's that nice to pick me

well, got my stitches removed, i'm still not eating normally, i'm still chewing with my left side only, i'm afraid that i'll drop some food in the yea, it will take a while to overcome that 'fear'... and good news, i can put three fingers vertically in my mouth, well barely, but it's better than a few days ago...and tell me who can't put 3 fingers vertically in their mouth except Pete? or maybe he just has a small mouth, or i have a big mouth...
i remember when i was i dont know how old, i could put a whole fist in my mouth, one time it was stuck in there, tried so hard to pull it out without hurting my teeth

and wahahaha, only one more week of work, then Chinese New Year, then i'm coming back to Brisbane! time flies when u're busy...


At 21/1/06 22:18 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... dropping food into the hole.... does it still hurt????????? i'm feeling so "hair-tube-move" (mo goon doung)...

At 23/1/06 02:48 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, check out kate's friendster, she's got one of her wedding photos on there! it looks so much like those advert photos!!! :-P


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