Saturday, May 13, 2006

ok, my housemate is having a dinner party, and i just got home...watching a really funny video my friend sent me, and suddenly someone opened my door, glad that i wasnt getting changed ;P

and yes, i remember i had some to say b4 i left the house today, but i forget what to say now...
gimme 3 seconds...
oh oh oh, i remember now, i bought the chinese version of 'purpose driven life' last nite, and i was reading the first page, i realised 1) my chinese reading ability is getting really bad...i understood the words, but not when they are together...aka sentences...oh well... 2) chinese is a very difficult language to learn.

and this is what i overheard from someone's phone convo tonite at the train station...
A: oh, where are you guys?
B: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
A: I'm at southbank...
B: xxxxxxxxxxxx
A: ok, 20 till ten, so it's about 9:35?

Me: ummmmmmmmmmmm????


At 14/5/06 04:50 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

come online! come online! come online! come online! come online! come online! come online! come online! come online! come online! come online! come online! come online! come online! come online! come online! come online! come online! come online! come online! come online! come online! come online! come online! come online! come online! come online! come online! come online! come online! come online! come online! come online!

^.^ in love with justin <3<3<3

At 14/5/06 04:51 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i want to speak to you!!! stop hiding!!

At 14/5/06 21:46 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

why are you online checking out my xanga, but not online on msn???!?! i'm hurt....... :-(

:-P anyway... yeah i can put you on wiki if you want!! :-D:-D:-D

At 15/5/06 01:08 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm dead. i'm a ghost.

hey did you know justin sang the backing for Love Me Accapella for Janice?? uhhhhh hu hu hu hu hu... so in love with him.....


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